Friday, February 22, 2008

Taft Would Be Proud...

Justin Raimondo gives us an excellent article regarding the resurrection of the Taft wing of the GOP and John McCain's response to it's heir, the Ron Paul Revolution.

Here is a McCain quote contained within the article...

"One afternoon, McCain talked about his surprise at the resurrection of this element in his party, which has been particularly visible in the candidacy of the libertarian Texas congressman Ron Paul. 'We had a debate in Iowa. I mean, it was, like, last summer, one of the first debates we had. It was raining, and I'm standing there in the afternoon, it was a couple of hours before the debate,' McCain said. 'And I happen to look out the window. Here's a group of fifty people in the rain, shouting "Ron Paul! Ron Paul!"' McCain banged on the table with both fists and chanted as he imitated the Paul enthusiasts. 'I thought, Holy sh*t, what's going on here? I mean, go to one of these debates. Drive up. Whose signs do you see? I'm very grateful – they've been very polite. I recognize them and say thanks for being here. They haven't disrupted the events. But he has tapped a vein."

Yes, Mr. McCain, Ron Paul has most definitely tapped a vein. And I can assure you, Dr. Paul and his army of grassroots volunteers, including yours truly, will keep tapping that vein until the Republic is restored!

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