Sunday, March 02, 2008

Fifty Percent Libertarian...

I ran into Concord Mayor Scott Padgett at the Sweet Pea Cafe this past Tuesday night. It had been a few years since I last ran into Mayor Padgett. Since I have grown my hair back out, I told him my name as we shook hands. When I mentioned my name, I also said, "You know, the Libertarian muckraker."

He then said..."I know who you are. I am half libertarian."

I replied.."Good, now let's work on the other half."

We both got a good chuckle out of that remark.

I like the Mayor, despite our political differences. I guess his less than libertarian half makes him favor corporate fascism (economic development incentives) and prohibit residents from parking in their yards.

Like I said, let's get to work on the "other" half.

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