Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Judge Andrew Napolitano Would Make A Fine Vice President ...

" [T]he Bush Administration has systematically attacked and diminished virtually every freedom and right guaranteed by the Constitution: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of association, the right to privacy, the right not to self incriminate, the right to counsel, the right to speedy trials, the right to fair trials, the right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment, even the right to be set free after acquittal! . . . . President Bush has broken laws he swore to uphold, and declined to enforce laws that he has himself signed into existence . . ."
Judge Napolitano

Thomas DiLorenzo has written a fine article about the good judge's book, "A Nation Of Sheep". He has been very outspoken about the crimes of the Bush Administration since 9/11.

Napolitano is also a big Ron Paul supporter. I would love for Dr. Paul to choose him as a running mate!

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