Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Illusion Of Majority Rule...

Please note that I am against majority rule, even though it doesn't exist in our electoral "system". I am sure my socialist friends would make the argument for mandatory voting.

I say screw all the above and govern yourself.

There are three reasons I play in the political theater.

1) A form of protest or self defense (Lysander Spooner).

2) A method of education. Using the rigged "game" as a mirror to hold before the herd so they can see their own delusional reflection. To them I say, "Your vote doesn't count, it never has!"

3) It is the last refuge for someone like me, who abhors physical violence. It occupies my time and keeps me from beating the living sh*t out of the political thugs who falsely claim to have the moral authority to govern me.

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