Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Good Bye To The National LP...

[I still am a proud member of the Libertarian Party of N.C. and the Cabarrus LP]

Without regret, I burned my national LP membership card tonight. Despite the rain, with the assistance of a gas/oil soaked rag, I torched that worthless piece of plastic.

This has been coming for a multitude of reasons. Bob Barr snubbing Ron Paul today in D.C. really sealed the deal.

What a idiot! Same goes for Root, an even bigger idiot and bigot!

The Barr/Root campaign is an utter embarrassment.

The national LP has sold it's collective soul for a "perception" of greater electoral success.

I hereby publicly repudiate the national LP. I still have a dear friend on the staff. I still love him and always will.

I have dear friends on the LNC. I still love them and always will.

I refuse to chose party over principle.

No regrets...

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