As some of you may know, I am seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for N.C. Senate 36. We are very close to regaining ballot access here in N.C.. My platform is very simple. If there is any justification* for a state government at all, it is to protect the Life, Liberty and Property of it's citizens.
Nothing else.
Roads should be paid for with user fees. Parents should be responsible for their own children's education. Individuals should pay for their own health care. Charities and faith based institutions should be helping the less fortunate among us.
It is past time we started taking responsibility for ourselves and our communities.
It is time to turn our state back in the proper direction. That direction leads us to the path of Liberty and Prosperity.
Here are a few of the issues I will be addressing during my campaign...
End forced annexation.
End eminent domain.
End the income tax.
End corporate welfare.
End the war on cannabis and hemp.
End compulsory education.
End the state's dominion over every aspect of our lives.
Once we reach these "ends", we can begin a new era of self government... a beautiful new dawn. The dark night of statism will be over.
Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?
It can happen if enough of us are willing to fight for it.
I pledge to do my part.
How about you?
*I no longer can justify the existence of the state. It is a total failure. It does a better job of trampling our lives, liberty and property than protecting them. I am seeking public office as a measure of self defense. My goal is to shrink the state government small enough to drown it in a paper cup.
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