Below is Dr. Paul's response to the danger of standing up to the status quo...
From the article....
"Paul himself has stated on previous occasions that he is aware of the dangers of being such a bold spokesman for freedom and understands what threat he represents to those who would stoop to anything to preserve their grip on America.
Paul acknowledged months before the Estulin report that such a threat is “real,” agreeing with a number of historical examples where leaders were killed or attacked for successfully standing up to the system.
“That’s right. They’ll do it,” Paul said, making reference to previous men of history such as Andrew Jackson, Huey Long, Bobby Kennedy and GeorgeWallace. The attack on Jackson, on the Capitol steps in 1835, was the only one of the four not to be a successful “removal” because his attacker’s weapon misfired. Both Long and Kennedy died and Wallace spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair. "
Go ahead and start the tinfoil hat jokes because I sincerely believe Dr. Paul is in real danger. The globalist elite will stop anyone who threatens their criminal enterprise. Folks, we are engaged in a war of ideas.
When the ballot box fails...
When the jury box fails...
The ammo box will be our last option.
I pray it never comes to that.
But, if the neo-cons want a war, we will certainly bring them one.
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