Saturday, December 29, 2007

Faux News Ignores Dr. No...

From the Ron Paul campaign...

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – According to the New Hampshire State Republican Party and an Associated Press report, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008.

“Given Ron Paul’s support in New Hampshire and his recent historic fundraising success, it is outrageous that Dr. Paul would be excluded,” said Ron Paul 2008 campaign chairman Kent Snyder. “Dr. Paul has consistently polled higher in New Hampshire than some of the other candidates who have been invited.”

Snyder continued, “Paul supporters should know that we are continuing to make inquiries with Fox News as to why they have apparently excluded Dr. Paul from this event.”

The Faux News Network For Neo-Con Nut Jobs has snubbed the Good Doctor. I think this is good news.

Good? Yes, I said good.

It proves the fact that the Revolution is real and the establishment knows it.

They also know the Revolution is winning the hearts and minds of today's youth.

The establishment is scared as hell, as they well should be!

More and more Americans are waking up to the fact that they are getting screwed by the corporate fascists and their political lemmings.

Revolution is in the air.

Breathe it in deep and act upon it.

It's your life. It's your money.

Defend it like a free person should!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Huckleberry Hound Endorses Ron Paul...

In a press release issued yesterday, Huckleberry Hound officially endorsed Ron Paul for President. The former entertainer had this to say about his choice.

"After months of rumors and gossip and stuff like that there, I have decided to support the good ole Dr. Paul for President of these here United States. Besides, I was ah sick and tired of all the Mike Huckabee jokes, fer crying out loud! How would yourself like to be compared to that CFR no good neo con nancy boy?!?"

When asked how he intended to help the campaign, Huck said he intended to recruit Mr. Magoo to the cause.

I'm sure that Mr. Magoo will listen to reason.

Is Ron Paul In Danger?

Below is Dr. Paul's response to the danger of standing up to the status quo...

From the article....

"Paul himself has stated on previous occasions that he is aware of the dangers of being such a bold spokesman for freedom and understands what threat he represents to those who would stoop to anything to preserve their grip on America.

Paul acknowledged months before the Estulin report that such a threat is “real,” agreeing with a number of historical examples where leaders were killed or attacked for successfully standing up to the system.

“That’s right. They’ll do it,” Paul said, making reference to previous men of history such as Andrew Jackson, Huey Long, Bobby Kennedy and GeorgeWallace. The attack on Jackson, on the Capitol steps in 1835, was the only one of the four not to be a successful “removal” because his attacker’s weapon misfired. Both Long and Kennedy died and Wallace spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair. "

Go ahead and start the tinfoil hat jokes because I sincerely believe Dr. Paul is in real danger. The globalist elite will stop anyone who threatens their criminal enterprise. Folks, we are engaged in a war of ideas.

When the ballot box fails...

When the jury box fails...

The ammo box will be our last option.

I pray it never comes to that.

But, if the neo-cons want a war, we will certainly bring them one.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Hornberger Asks.."Are Conservatives (Undocumented) Aliens?"

" Reality check: Americans are living under the biggest, most powerful government in history. It is the biggest-spending government in history. Its currency is crashing because of its out-of-control spending. Its military power extends over the entire globe. It is an empire that polices the world, sometimes with brutal and deadly force. It kidnaps, tortures, sexually abuses, incarcerates, and murders people with impunity and without even the semblance of due process or trial by jury. It engages in coups, assassinations, invasions, and occupations of countries that have recalcitrant regimes. Its jails are overrun with people who have committed no act of violence against others. It ignores constitutional restraints on its powers. Its ever-increasing welfare-state programs keep the citizenry drugged, calm, and dependent on the state."
Jacob Hornberger

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cabarrus LP Meetings Are Moving...

Beginning on Tuesday January 8th, the Cabarrus LP will have it's meetings at the Sweet Pea Cafe, located in the Natural Harvest Food Store. They are located at 16 Union Street South, in historic downtown Concord.

The Cabarrus LP meets every Tuesday evening (except major holidays) at 7:00 pm.

Come by to see us. I'll buy you a beer.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

December 18th

Thomas Hill For N.C. Senate 36

As some of you may know, I am seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for N.C. Senate 36. We are very close to regaining ballot access here in N.C.. My platform is very simple. If there is any justification* for a state government at all, it is to protect the Life, Liberty and Property of it's citizens.

Nothing else.

Roads should be paid for with user fees. Parents should be responsible for their own children's education. Individuals should pay for their own health care. Charities and faith based institutions should be helping the less fortunate among us.

It is past time we started taking responsibility for ourselves and our communities.

It is time to turn our state back in the proper direction. That direction leads us to the path of Liberty and Prosperity.

Here are a few of the issues I will be addressing during my campaign...

End forced annexation.

End eminent domain.

End the income tax.

End corporate welfare.

End the war on cannabis and hemp.

End compulsory education.

End the state's dominion over every aspect of our lives.

Once we reach these "ends", we can begin a new era of self government... a beautiful new dawn. The dark night of statism will be over.

Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?

It can happen if enough of us are willing to fight for it.

I pledge to do my part.

How about you?

*I no longer can justify the existence of the state. It is a total failure. It does a better job of trampling our lives, liberty and property than protecting them. I am seeking public office as a measure of self defense. My goal is to shrink the state government small enough to drown it in a paper cup.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Don't Blame Free Trade...

Above is a link to a recent news story concerning "free trade". To be honest, the story has nothing to do with free trade.

Free trade is the voluntary exchange of goods and/or services between consenting individuals. No force or fraud is present with true free trade. For example, I love flea markets and yard sales, where individuals exchange money for goods. Sometimes individuals swap goods instead of cash. With the exception of the use of fiat currency and (in some places) permits, yard sales/flea markets are probably the closest things we have resembling free markets.

The term "free trade", like "anarchy" or "capitalism", means different things to different people.

It is the responsibility of freedom lovers everywhere to educate those less informed as to the true meaning of these terms.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Libertarian National Committee Passes Pro Ron Paul Resolution..

Stunning news! I believe the LP has made a wise decision.

Calling All Libertarian Candidates

[Originally posted on LPNC Yahoo list. I post it here to hopefully inspire libertarians everywhere to seek public office]

Hey Folks,

At the last EC meeting in Concord, I was appointed Political Director of the LPNC. I look forward to the challenge this position provides. With the end of the ballot drive in sight, we, as a party, need to concentrate on the 2008 elections. We must field a strong slate of candidates to challenge the demopublican tyrants in our home counties, Raleigh and Washington D.C..

Tar Heel Libertarians have a score to settle with our state representatives. The first round of payback happens when we turn in enough verified signatures. This will once again show the petty tyrants our determination to provide the citizens of this state a real choice in electoral politics. The second round of payback begins when we nominate a well rounded slate of candidates at next year’s state convention. If we fail to accomplish this goal, we can not reap the rewards of the hard work we have dedicated to regaining ballot access!

I intend to lead by example. I have not completely made up my mind which office I will seek but I promise to run an energized campaign. I can not, in good faith, ask any of you to seek public office if I am not willing to do the same. As soon as I decide, I will let this group know.

Now that I have made a public pledge to represent this party next year, I am asking the rest of you to follow suit. I asked my peers on the EC to lead by example at the last meeting. Today, I am asking you, my fellow Libertarians, to run for office.


I will do every thing in my power to help you represent this party to the best of our combined potential.

Okay folks…Mr. Munger and myself have committed to running campaigns next year.

Who’s next?

Thomas Hill
Political Director, LPNC

Friday, December 07, 2007

"Self Governing" Iraq By 2009???

Our infamous neo-con president of vice, Dick Cheney has declared Iraq will be a "self-governing" democracy by 2009.

What a prophet! It must be true! Look at all his past predictions. How could we doubt such a honorable man as Mr. Halliburton?

"Self governing" democracy? Dickie Do wouldn't know true self government if he saw it. Of course, he believes in spreading democracy, aka mob rule, by the barrel of a Blackwater gun.

Crusader Cheney is the High Priest of Corporatism, the unholy alliance of robber barons and bureaucrats, leading a black mass of murder and chaos.

The Ron Paul Revolution is winning hearts and minds across this vast nation. The neo-cons and their mainstream lemmings are shaking in their jack boots! We the people have finally awoken from our slumbers.

It is past time we put the neo-con movement to sleep!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

LPNC Meeting In Concord...

It was my pleasure to host my peers from the LPNC executive committee yesterday. We met at the Sweet Pea Cafe in downtown Concord. The food was great and we felt right at home. Thanks to Bonnie and Kevin for the warm hospitality. The Cabarrus Libertarian Party will be hosting a Green/Libertarian mixer at the Sweet Pea Cafe in the near future. I am working with my good friend, Sean Haugh (National LP Political Director) on this event. It's in the early planning stages at this point. I will post more details as they become available.

The LPNC meeting went really well. I was appointed Political Director for the state party. We should regain ballot access real soon. My job will be to recruit candidates and provide them the tools they will need to run successful campaigns next year. I look forward to the challenge.

It was great seeing my Libertarian peers this weekend! They seemed to enjoy their visit to Concord. I can thank the nice weather and the fine folks at the Sweet Pea Cafe for that!