ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – According to the New Hampshire State Republican Party and an Associated Press report, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008.
“Given Ron Paul’s support in New Hampshire and his recent historic fundraising success, it is outrageous that Dr. Paul would be excluded,” said Ron Paul 2008 campaign chairman Kent Snyder. “Dr. Paul has consistently polled higher in New Hampshire than some of the other candidates who have been invited.”
Snyder continued, “Paul supporters should know that we are continuing to make inquiries with Fox News as to why they have apparently excluded Dr. Paul from this event.”
The Faux News Network For Neo-Con Nut Jobs has snubbed the Good Doctor. I think this is good news.
Good? Yes, I said good.
It proves the fact that the Revolution is real and the establishment knows it.
They also know the Revolution is winning the hearts and minds of today's youth.
The establishment is scared as hell, as they well should be!
More and more Americans are waking up to the fact that they are getting screwed by the corporate fascists and their political lemmings.
Revolution is in the air.
Breathe it in deep and act upon it.
It's your life. It's your money.
Defend it like a free person should!