"To the radical libertarian, we must take any and every opportunity to chop away at the State, whether it’s to reduce or abolish a tax, a budget appropriation, or a regulatory power. And the radical libertarian is insatiable in this appetite until the State has been abolished, or – for minarchists – dwindled down to a tiny, laissez-faire role."
Murray N. Rothbard
Rothbard believed minarchists should be radical in their opposition to the State. He believed abolitionists and minarchists should walk in harmony on the path to Freedom.
Rothbard also considered the division in the liberty movement to be a rift between radicals and conservatives. I have seen evidence of this in the LP.
His remarks concerning this belief are below..
"Where are the Paines and Cobdens and Nocks of today? Why are almost all of our laissez-faire limited governmentalists plonky conservatives and patriots? If the opposite of "radical" is "conservative," where are our radical laissez-fairists? If our limited statists were truly radical, there would be virtually no splits between us. What divides the movement now, the true division, is not anarchist vs. minarchist, but radical vs. conservative. Lord, give us radicals, be they anarchists or no."
The moral of this story teaches us to unite in our shared contempt for the coercive State. The future of freedom requires nothing less.
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