Saturday, November 24, 2007

Libertarian Surge....


n. 1. a person who believes in the doctrine of the freedom of the will
2. a person who believes in full individual freedom of thought, expression and action
3. a freewheeling rebel who hates wiretaps, loves Ron Paul and is redirecting politics

By Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch

Link to Washington Post Article

An excellent article regarding the surge in popularity of libertarian principles via the Ron Paul Revolution. Libertarian activists are seeing the results of their labors.

Hopefully we can fully reclaim the fruit at the other end of the Revolution...

Only time will tell...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hah! I posted the same article on my forum! The article was a very nice and honest one about my new hero, Ron Paul. I love that man so much, it makes me cry sometimes.

Sometimes, out of the blue, I'll break down and weep. I've been waiting for this man for a long, long time. My whole life.