Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Kind Words From My Old School....
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of returning to my alma mater, Central Cabarrus High School. I was invited to speak to Ms. Allred's AP Government class. I was a student of Ms. Allred, twenty five years ago. She invites me to visit her class at least once every academic year to talk about the Libertarian Party.
I received a thank you note from her class in the mail this week. Her students always send me a note after I visit them. I would like to share the words of her students...
Mr. Hill,
"Thank you so very much for speaking to our class! We all found you not only genuinely inspiring, but refreshingly honest and informative. Many of us have since acted on your call to research, discover, challenge, and get involved, and are still reaping the intellectual rewards. You changed the perspective many of us had on government, politics, parties and even our own beliefs. Thank you for making this year even more unforgettable."
Ms. Allred's AP Gov Class
I was deeply moved by the thank you note. I love talking to young people about the values and principles of libertarianism. Activists should use every opportunity available to reach out to today's youth.
Never pass up the chance to sow the seeds of Liberty.
I received a thank you note from her class in the mail this week. Her students always send me a note after I visit them. I would like to share the words of her students...
Mr. Hill,
"Thank you so very much for speaking to our class! We all found you not only genuinely inspiring, but refreshingly honest and informative. Many of us have since acted on your call to research, discover, challenge, and get involved, and are still reaping the intellectual rewards. You changed the perspective many of us had on government, politics, parties and even our own beliefs. Thank you for making this year even more unforgettable."
Ms. Allred's AP Gov Class
I was deeply moved by the thank you note. I love talking to young people about the values and principles of libertarianism. Activists should use every opportunity available to reach out to today's youth.
Never pass up the chance to sow the seeds of Liberty.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Libertarian Surge....
n. 1. a person who believes in the doctrine of the freedom of the will
2. a person who believes in full individual freedom of thought, expression and action
3. a freewheeling rebel who hates wiretaps, loves Ron Paul and is redirecting politics
By Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch
Link to Washington Post Article
An excellent article regarding the surge in popularity of libertarian principles via the Ron Paul Revolution. Libertarian activists are seeing the results of their labors.
Hopefully we can fully reclaim the fruit at the other end of the Revolution...
Only time will tell...
Oklahoma Statists Reject Free Expression!

It is amazing in this day and age, here in good old America, that someone can be kidnapped for exercising their natural right to free expression.
To learn more about this human rights violation, right here in the Home of the Free, click on the link below...

Sandra Hamilton
People like Sandra are being turned on to Ron Paul and his message of freedom every day. I meet folks like her all the time.
There is a reason to hope for a better tomorrow. We can thank Ron Paul and the countless number of people who value liberty higher than the State for that.
To learn more about Sandra Hamilton's story, click here...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Get Well, Mark!
I met Mark a few years ago when he visited a Cabarrus LP meeting. Mark has been active in the Green Party and has run for Congress as a Democrat. I last spoke to Mark at this year's Cabarrus County Fair. He is a true gentleman with a kind and gentle heart.
Thanks to local blogger, "Left On 49" for spreading the word about Mark's incident.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! It is quite impossible to list all of the people, places and things I am grateful for.
Here is a random sampling...
My father, who busted his ass everyday to provide a better life for his family...
My mother, a blessed reflection of Christ, who nurtured me and taught me to read and love books...
My many friends, past and present, who love and accept me for whom I am...
My cat Sam and all the other animal friends I have encountered...
Ron Paul and his Revolution of Peace, Freedom & Prosperity. May it endure forever, beyond this present age...
My mentors within the Libertarian Party...Dr. Mary Ruwart, Dr. James Lark, Barbara & Tom Howe, R. Lee Wrights, Sean Haugh and Tom Bailey. These folks will never know the inspiration they have provided me!
All the wonderful friends I have made during this eternal struggle for self government...
Free Will...The most precious gift from our Creator, The Great Author of Life, Liberty and Peace!
Like I mentioned before, just a random sampling. I hope you take the time today to dwell on those blessings you hold dear.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Judge Andrew Napolitano Would Make A Fine Vice President ...
" [T]he Bush Administration has systematically attacked and diminished virtually every freedom and right guaranteed by the Constitution: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of association, the right to privacy, the right not to self incriminate, the right to counsel, the right to speedy trials, the right to fair trials, the right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment, even the right to be set free after acquittal! . . . . President Bush has broken laws he swore to uphold, and declined to enforce laws that he has himself signed into existence . . ."
Judge Napolitano
Thomas DiLorenzo has written a fine article about the good judge's book, "A Nation Of Sheep". He has been very outspoken about the crimes of the Bush Administration since 9/11.
Napolitano is also a big Ron Paul supporter. I would love for Dr. Paul to choose him as a running mate!
Judge Napolitano
Thomas DiLorenzo has written a fine article about the good judge's book, "A Nation Of Sheep". He has been very outspoken about the crimes of the Bush Administration since 9/11.
Napolitano is also a big Ron Paul supporter. I would love for Dr. Paul to choose him as a running mate!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sam and Me...
Nature Makes Me Smile...

I spent part of this beautiful Sunday morning hanging out in my dried up creek here at home. Even under these drought conditions, Nature still provides a beautiful backdrop to our mundane daily routines.
Take the time to catch your breath and listen to that inner voice of peace that dwells inside of you. Release the inner child trapped within yourself and look at the world with wild-eyed wonder!
Tell someone how much you love them...
Forgive someone who has trespassed against you...
Show mercy to someone, whether they deserve it or not....
Count your blessings...
Until we control the chaos in our own minds and souls, we can never bring peace to the outside world.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Take Cover...

Legendary progressive metal band, Queensryche have released a new "album" of cover tunes called, "Take Cover". Some of you may remember an LP News article about lead singer, Geoff Tate. Tate considers himself to be a libertarian. Through the years, Queensryche's music has had anti-establishment themes ranging from the failed War on (Some) Drugs, corporatism, empire building and corrupt religious institutions.
The new album includes songs from Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, The Police and U2. Their cover of Peter Gabriel's "Red Rain" is one of the highlights, along with "Heaven On Their Minds" from Jesus Christ, Superstar and "Almost Cut My Hair", written by David Crosby.
Compared to most cover albums, "Take Cover" is a strong and diverse collection of material. Well worth the investment, especially for a hard working, principled band like Queensryche.
Ron Paul Versus Pro-War "Libertarians"...
"Ultimately, the state operates within the confines of public ideology. When libertarians join in on perpetuating the fallacy that market economics and personal liberties are compatible with or protected by a bloated warfare state, it only encourages the particular type of governance that characterizes the modern American experience. We get what Robert Higgs calls "participatory fascism." We get a system of corporatism, police statism, aggressive war, and vicious nationalism, all delivered through social democracy."
Anthony Gregory
Add this to the reading list for pro-war neo-libertarians. Hopefully they, along with their Beltway Brothers, will follow reason and stop supporting the neo-con empire establishment.
We can only hope....
Anthony Gregory
Add this to the reading list for pro-war neo-libertarians. Hopefully they, along with their Beltway Brothers, will follow reason and stop supporting the neo-con empire establishment.
We can only hope....
Friday, November 16, 2007
"Force, unregulated or ill-regulated, is not only wasted in the void, like that of gunpowder burned in the open air, and steam unconfined by science; but, striking in the dark, and it blows meeting only the air, they recoil and bruise itself. It is destruction and ruin. It is the volcano, the earthquake, the cyclone;-not growth and progress. It is Polyphemus blinded, striking at random, and falling headlong among the sharp rocks by the impetus of his own blows."
Albert Pike
Albert Pike
Anarchists Are...
"The Anarchists are simply unterrified Jeffersonian Democrats. They believe that 'the best government is that which governs least,' and that which governs least is no government at all."
- Benjamin Tucker
The Law Is Force...
"Since the law organizes justice, the socialists ask why the law should not also organize labor, education, and religion.
Why should not law be used for these purposes? Because it could not organize labor, education, and religion without destroying justice. We must remember that law is force, and that, consequently, the proper functions of the law cannot lawfully extend beyond the proper functions of force.
When law and force keep a person within the bounds of justice, they impose nothing but a mere negation. They oblige him only to abstain from harming others. They violate neither his personality, his liberty, nor his property. They safeguard all of these. They are defensive; they defend equally the rights of all."
Political Jesus...
This was originally published during August 2005. I wrote it on a Saturday morning. I remember waking up angry. This was around the time the Libertarian Party was kicked off the ballot here in North Carolina. I was State Chair at that time and the frustration and anger was brewing inside of me. I believe that anger is apparent in my writings below.
I do not regret any of the words I wrote over two years ago. I only regret the way I have let that anger bruise my heart and soul. I am trying to turn that anger into something positive, rather than self destructive hate.
It is damn hard and some days are harder than others. This will be a personal struggle for the rest of my life.
"A man may have to die for our country:
but no man must, in any exclusive sense, live for his country.
He who surrenders himself without reservation
to the temporal claims of a nation, or a party, or a class
is rendering to Caesar that which, of all things,
most emphatically belongs to God: himself."
C.S. Lewis
Disclaimer: This essay is in no way an attack on Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus to be whom he said he was.. I find it offensive how some people, who claim to be Christians, can drag the name of Christ through the political mud puddle. Show me the part of the Holy Bible where it says to use the force of the State to enforce religious laws or redistribute wealth or educate our children. You can't.
If you really believe in the separation of Church and State, this essay shouldn't offend you at all.....
March onward christian soldiers! Wrap yourself in Old Glory and beat those war drums! Proclaim how America is a christian nation. Heretics and infidels be damned to Hell! Glory, glory hallelujah...the Truth goes marching on....
Yeah, that seems to be the dogma of the people who worship the Political Jesus.
Who is this Political Jesus?
He is a meme, created by the vulgar and corrupt Roman Empire. He is the Grim Reaper of the Church Militant, wielding a sword to smite anyone who doesn't bow down and worship the State! Yes, I said the State. This Political Jesus is responsible for merging the Church and State.
You don't believe me?
Do I have to remind you of the laundry list of horrors unleashed in the name of Political Jesus? The murder of hundreds of thousands of gnostics, pagans, backsliders and heretics. The burnings of books, temples and witches...get the picture?
Today's Church Militant is not as violent as in year's past but the threat and danger is still alive. These so called christians petition the State with various pleas and moans." Please protect marriage...please protect the flag. Oh please, mighty Caesar, protect us from the unclean! Take the smut off my T.V.! Protect us from those god hating dope smokers and please, pretty please, park the Political Jesus back in our government schools!"
Oh ye of little faith....
Yes, the followers of Political Jesus are guilty of idolatry. They worship the flag and the omnipotent State it represents. They claim our constitution is a Christian document. That's funny, I don't remember Political Jesus being named in the document. I can't find him in our Declaration of Independence either. They both seem to be written with Deism in mind. Oh well, Deists usually have the best ideas anyway.
Yes, there were Christians among our nation's founders. But these Christians did not worship at the feet of Political Jesus. They were enlightened men and women. They loved and respected the real Jesus so much, they would have never polluted his great legacy by injecting his Holy Name in any political document. These were Christians with a true faith. These Christians and the ones that followed are the last, true remnant of Christ's ministry.
Look at conservatives today...they are foot soliders in the war on drugs. They have declared war on Nature and the medicines she provides. "Pull up that demon weed! The Devil must have planted it here.", they seem to say by their actions. They don't give a damn about the death and destruction they reap in the name of Political Jesus.
These conservatives want the State to extend certain privileges to them, at the expense of others. They just have to protect the nation from gay marriage. Never mind that the only role the State has in marriage is enforcing contracts and establishing next of kin. No, that is not good enough for Political Jesus. He believes that Caesar-approved, conservative christians are the ruling class, appointed from on high, to administer justice..all in the name of Political Jesus.
When it comes to Political Jesus, you are either with him or against him..isn't that right Mr. President?
I do not regret any of the words I wrote over two years ago. I only regret the way I have let that anger bruise my heart and soul. I am trying to turn that anger into something positive, rather than self destructive hate.
It is damn hard and some days are harder than others. This will be a personal struggle for the rest of my life.
"A man may have to die for our country:
but no man must, in any exclusive sense, live for his country.
He who surrenders himself without reservation
to the temporal claims of a nation, or a party, or a class
is rendering to Caesar that which, of all things,
most emphatically belongs to God: himself."
C.S. Lewis
Disclaimer: This essay is in no way an attack on Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus to be whom he said he was.. I find it offensive how some people, who claim to be Christians, can drag the name of Christ through the political mud puddle. Show me the part of the Holy Bible where it says to use the force of the State to enforce religious laws or redistribute wealth or educate our children. You can't.
If you really believe in the separation of Church and State, this essay shouldn't offend you at all.....
March onward christian soldiers! Wrap yourself in Old Glory and beat those war drums! Proclaim how America is a christian nation. Heretics and infidels be damned to Hell! Glory, glory hallelujah...the Truth goes marching on....
Yeah, that seems to be the dogma of the people who worship the Political Jesus.
Who is this Political Jesus?
He is a meme, created by the vulgar and corrupt Roman Empire. He is the Grim Reaper of the Church Militant, wielding a sword to smite anyone who doesn't bow down and worship the State! Yes, I said the State. This Political Jesus is responsible for merging the Church and State.
You don't believe me?
Do I have to remind you of the laundry list of horrors unleashed in the name of Political Jesus? The murder of hundreds of thousands of gnostics, pagans, backsliders and heretics. The burnings of books, temples and witches...get the picture?
Today's Church Militant is not as violent as in year's past but the threat and danger is still alive. These so called christians petition the State with various pleas and moans." Please protect marriage...please protect the flag. Oh please, mighty Caesar, protect us from the unclean! Take the smut off my T.V.! Protect us from those god hating dope smokers and please, pretty please, park the Political Jesus back in our government schools!"
Oh ye of little faith....
Yes, the followers of Political Jesus are guilty of idolatry. They worship the flag and the omnipotent State it represents. They claim our constitution is a Christian document. That's funny, I don't remember Political Jesus being named in the document. I can't find him in our Declaration of Independence either. They both seem to be written with Deism in mind. Oh well, Deists usually have the best ideas anyway.
Yes, there were Christians among our nation's founders. But these Christians did not worship at the feet of Political Jesus. They were enlightened men and women. They loved and respected the real Jesus so much, they would have never polluted his great legacy by injecting his Holy Name in any political document. These were Christians with a true faith. These Christians and the ones that followed are the last, true remnant of Christ's ministry.
Look at conservatives today...they are foot soliders in the war on drugs. They have declared war on Nature and the medicines she provides. "Pull up that demon weed! The Devil must have planted it here.", they seem to say by their actions. They don't give a damn about the death and destruction they reap in the name of Political Jesus.
These conservatives want the State to extend certain privileges to them, at the expense of others. They just have to protect the nation from gay marriage. Never mind that the only role the State has in marriage is enforcing contracts and establishing next of kin. No, that is not good enough for Political Jesus. He believes that Caesar-approved, conservative christians are the ruling class, appointed from on high, to administer justice..all in the name of Political Jesus.
When it comes to Political Jesus, you are either with him or against him..isn't that right Mr. President?
The Death-Knell Of Liberty...
"They do not want to know that centralization is not only the death-knell of liberty, but also of health and beauty, of art and science, all these being impossible in a clock-like, mechanical atmosphere."
Live The Revolution...
"Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit."
Abbie Hoffman
Abbie Hoffman
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