Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Liberty Candidate For N.C.'s 8th District
CONCORD (June 29th) Thomas Hill, chairman of the Libertarian Party of Cabarrus County, today announces his desire to be the Libertarian candidate for U.S. House, District 8. Mr. Hill is an at-large member of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina executive committee. He also serves as Region 8 Coordinator for the Campaign For Liberty.
Thomas Hill is a self employed electrician with 27 years experience, including 18 years working for his father’s electrical business. His experience in a small family business opened his eyes to the burdensome rules and regulations placed on small companies. Mr. Hill wants to bring small business common sense to Washington.
Issues at the fore front of Thomas Hill’s campaign include…
Dismantle the Empire, bring our troops home.
Abolish the Federal Reserve, allow competing currencies.
Repeal the Patriot Act, end the War on Civil Liberties.
Like Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, Thomas Hill believes in a policy of non-interventionism, sound money and an end to the War on Drugs. Thomas served as a precinct leader for Ron Paul’s 2008 Presidential Campaign. He would be honored to serve beside him in Congress.
Thomas Hill was born in Charlotte. He is 43 years old and single. He has lived in Cabarrus County since 1972. His past political experience include…
Aide De Camp, Mary Ruwart For President 2008; Precinct Leader, Ron Paul 2008; Past Chair, Libertarian Party of N.C.; Charter Member / Treasurer / Membership Secretary, Cabarrus LP; Candidate for Cabarrus County Commission 2002 & 2004; Candidate for Cabarrus County Board of Education 2006 & 2008; Candidate for N.C. Senate 36 2008 (GOP Primary)

For more information, visit http://thomasbhill2010.com.
Thomas Hill For Congress
10896 Pioneer Mill Road
Concord, N.C. 28025
Cell: 704-621-8621
Office: 704-455-9200
E-mail: thomasbhill@msn.com
Monday, June 22, 2009
Kokesh For Congress Update...
This past week, our team had a whirlwind week in Washington, DC watching the war funding bill pass, the support grow for HR 1207, and the enthusiasm for this upcoming campaign build. On our way to DC, we stopped by Norman, OK, and spoke with RJ Harris, then went on to the Campaign For Liberty Missouri state meeting. In Washington, we met with Congressman Ron Paul, Congressman Walter Jones, Ralph Nader, and Senator Mike Gravel. On our way back, we even got a chance to catch up with Rand Paul and get the latest on his potential Senate run to represent Kentucky. There's more info about that on the blog and some more great videos to come, so stay tuned!
We just had another great volunteers meeting here at campaign headquarters this evening and we've got quite a team coming together to support Celebrate American r3VOLution. Special thanks to our volunteer coordinator, Jared Fuller, and Chad Wright of East Main Trade Center in Farmington for hooking up our first batch of fliers. We've got an ambitious program and we need all the help we can get to ensure this event is a success. If you didn't make it to the meeting, don't worry, we've got another one coming up next Sunday. To see the kind of help we have coming for Independence Day weekend, get the graphics for the fliers, and html for a banner to help promote the event, check out the event page.
A few have criticized me for choosing "such a radical title" for this event. Let us not forget that this country was founded in revolution, and the founders that set out a vision of liberty for this country expected us to have a revolution with every generation. As someone who volunteered to serve in the United States military, I feel obligated to remind my fellow Americans that Independence Day is about much more than fireworks and hot dogs. I hope you'll join me in this effort.
Love, faith, respect,
Kokesh for Congress
Exploratory Committee
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Rule By Politics...
"Will men continue to submit to rule by politics, which has always meant the power of some men over other men, or are we ready to go it alone socially, in communities of voluntarism, in a world more economic and cultural than political"?
Karl HessTuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Great Liberator Of Man..
Emma Goldman
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dr. Mary Ruwart Joins Cannabis Science Inc....
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cannabis Science Inc. (NASD OTCBB: CBIS), an emerging pharmaceutical cannabis company, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Mary J. Ruwart as Vice President of Research & Development. Dr. Ruwarts previously held the position of Senior Research Scientist at Upjohn Inc., which ultimately merged with Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) to become a part of one of the largest Pharmaceutical Companies in the world.
“Dr. Ruwart is a pivotal addition to CSI,” COO Ray Carr announced today. “Her years of experience in R& D, coupled with her first-hand knowledge of the drug development process, give her the ability to guide CSI’s first product through the FDA approval process. Dr. Ruwart will be one of the most valuable members of the CSI Drug Development team; we are delighted to have her on board.”
CSI intends to follow the FDA’s regulatory pathway for drug development through early clinical testing. The company will then seek a Big Pharma partner for late stage human studies and subsequent filing of its New Drug Application (NDA) with the FDA.
About Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D., Cannabis Science Inc., Vice President, Research & Development
Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D., received her doctorate in Biophysics from Michigan State University. She did post-doctoral work in the Department of Surgery at St. Louis University Medical School. Subsequently, she was promoted to Instructor and then to Assistant Professor. Dr. Ruwart joined the Upjohn Company in 1976 as a senior research scientist, working with prostaglandins, liver disease, HIV protease inhibitors, and drug delivery systems. Dr. Ruwart spent two decades in the pharmaceutical industry; she has been awarded five patents, and has authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications.
Dr. Ruwart’s will shepherd CSI’s cannabis-based drugs through the regulatory process required to obtain FDA approval. She will also guide CSI in the patenting and licensing of its intellectual property.
“It’s invaluable to have our development team led by a scientist who is a top-notch researcher as well,” Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Robert Melamede commented. “Since cannabis influences the body’s prostaglandin balance, her expertise in this area can guide us in developing more effective products.”
CEO Steve Kubby concurs. “Dr. Ruwart will be restructuring CSI’s development program to meet the highest industry standards. Dr. Ruwart will help us avoid the expensive mistakes that many pharmaceutical start-ups make. The recent addition of Ray Carr as our COO, followed by Dr. Ruwart as our Vice President of R&D gives CSI a dynamic ‘one-two’ punch in the areas of business and drug development.”
The global market for oral cannabis medications has been recently estimated at almost $6 billion annually. CSI’s proprietary delivery systems, which insure rapid absorption with prolonged blood levels of active drug, are expected to give the company’s products a competitive edge worldwide.
About Cannabis Science, Inc.
Cannabis Science, Inc. is at the forefront of medical marijuana research and development. The Company works with world authorities on phytocannabinoid science targeting critical illnesses, and adheres to scientific methodologies to develop, produce, and commercialize phytocannabinoid-based pharmaceutical products. In sum, we are dedicated to the creation of cannabis-based medicines, both with and without psychoactive properties, to treat disease and the symptoms of disease, as well as for general health maintenance.
Forward-Looking Statements
This Press Release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934. A statement containing works such as "anticipate," "seek," "intend," "believe," "plan," "estimate," "expect," "project," "plan," or similar phrases may be deemed "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Some or all of the events or results anticipated by these forward-looking statements may not occur. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include the future U.S. and global economies, the impact of competition, and the Company’s reliance on existing regulations regarding the use and development of cannabis-based drugs. Cannabis Science, Inc. does not undertake any duty nor does it intend to update the results of these forward-looking statements.
Cannabis Science Inc.
Steven W. Kubby, 888-889-0888
President & CEO
info@cannabisscience.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Brokers and Analysts:
Wall Street International
John Campo, 1-410-236-8200
Friday, June 12, 2009
Memorial Shouldn't Rest On Stolen Land...
Libertarians call on the on the U.S. Government to forgo the threatened seizure of hundreds of acres of privately owned land for a memorial in western Pennsylvania near Shanksville, where Flight 93 crashed in 2001. They further ask the Park Service to reconsider spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on an extensive memorial, and to instead finance any memorial completely through volunteer contributions.
“The Park Service has had nearly a decade to work with local landowners, and NOW they decide that it’s imperative to get the land within the next week,” said Rachel Hawkridge, representative to the Libertarian Party’s National Committee. “Besides the fact that there can be no ‘fair market value’ in a forced transaction, we have the underlying issue that ALL of the tax money spent on the memorial has been taken by force or the threat of force. If folks want a memorial, they will be happy to contribute to one - and it will be the exact size that people want it to be. The idea that the Park Service can propose commemorating the self-sacrifice of 40 individuals with the forced sacrifice of the efforts of other individuals indicates to me that the terrorists have, in some small way, won part of the battle already.”
Libertarians also decry the purchase of nearly 1,000 acres of land from a coal-mining company, with proceeds to be (according to the Park Service) “placed in a trust fund to operate and maintain in perpetuity the treatment of mine water from a sediment pond on a reclaimed surface mine.” To Lee Wrights, representative to the Libertarian Party’s National Committee, “this seems like a not-very-subtle way of getting the taxpayers to pay for post-mining remediation. A great deal for PBS Coals; a terrible deal for Americans who have more pressing personal financial needs than bailing out big businesses.”
Contact: Susan Hogarth | media@clipr.info
PRLog release version w/PDF: Click here

"Government schools, like some churches, use authoritarian scare tactics based on fear and superstition. This conditioning causes people to doubt themselves and their beliefs. Freedom and fear are polar opposites. They are masters that must be served separately. They cannot exist in the same space. To truly govern yourself, you must overcome the fear."
Thomas Hill
Read the rest at libertyforall.net.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Libertarianism Rests On The Non-Agression Principle...
Jan Narveson
Read the rest here.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Dash Of Bastiat...
"Hence, if anything is self-evident, it is this: Law is the organization of the natural right to legitimate self-defense; it is the substitution of collective force for individual forces, to act in the sphere in which they have the right to act, to do what they have the right to do: to guarantee security of person, liberty, and property rights, to cause justice to reign over all. "
"Now, labor being in itself painful, and man being naturally inclined to shun pain, it follows—history is there to prove it—that wherever plunder is less onerous than labor, it prevails; and neither religion nor morality can, in this case, prevent it from doing so."
"No greater change nor any greater evil could be introduced into society than this: to convert the law into an instrument of plunder."
Fredric Bastiat
Decentralize The Freedom Movement...
Ernest Hancock
Read the rest here.
Dangers Of Federal Litigation...
S.M. Oliva
Read the rest here.
Obama Pays The Unions Back...
Richard Ebeling
Read the rest here.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Dr. Mary Ruwart To Address Students At Brown University...
The Janus Forum is a campus initiative to encourage, facilitate, and develop active thought, debate, and discussion around political ideas at Brown. The Janus Forum seeks to actively promote critical thinking and discourse by exposing students to a variety of perspectives regarding relevant social and political issues.
The event is to take place on Thursday, October 8th, 2009. The lecture is titled, “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Pharmaceutical Industry”. Marcia Angell will also speak. She will be providing an opposite viewpoint to Dr. Ruwart’s presentation.
Dr. Mary J. Ruwart received her B.S. in biochemistry in 1970 and her Ph.D. in Biophysics in 1974 (both from Michigan State University). She then joined the Department of Surgery at St. Louis University where she became an Assistant Professor. Dr. Ruwart came to The Upjohn Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1976 as a Senior Research Scientist involved in developing new therapies for a variety of diseases, including AIDS.
Dr. Ruwart left Upjohn in 1995 to devote her time to consulting and writing. With her husband, Raymond R. Carr, R.Ph., Dr. Ruwart designed and delivered a communications course for scientists, covering written, oral, and poster presentations. She also provides consulting services for nutraceutical companies, CROs, and IRBs.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Adam Kokesh Reviews Obama's Cairo Speech...
"He confronted the Palestinian violence head on. “Violence is a dead end. It is a sign of neither courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus. That is not how moral authority is claimed; that is how it is surrendered.” He is so right here, but fails to point out the hypocrisy of our policy. Rockets at sleeping children? Drone strikes into Pakistan. Old women on a bus? “Acceptable collateral damage” in Iraq. Flip-flopping on the release of torture photos? Yes, Obama, your moral authority has been surrendered."
Read the rest here.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Principled Opposition To Coercion..
The Failure Of Force...
Auberon Herbert
Farewell GM...
"What has happened to General Motors is symbolic of what is happening to the United States. The United States is being destroyed economically and culturally by irrational theories and policies. The standard of living of its people is falling. Government officials are preparing to accelerate the fall by means of the imposition of insane policies designed to curtail energy consumption and roll back the production of wealth. The American people have elected a President who has expressed regret that the Supreme Court "never entered into the issues of redistribution of wealth" because it "didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution."
Read the rest here.
Natural Law Versus Positive Law...
"Napolitano makes clear that there are two kinds of law: Natural law, which is given to us by virtue of our nature, and positive law, which is imposed on us by government. Natural law is enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, the “self-evident” truths – “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life,
Read the rest here.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Libertarians And Foreign Policy...
Karen Kwiatkowski
Read the rest here.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Better Living Through Panarchy...
Michael S. Rozeff
Read the rest of the essay here.
Attractive Labels...
Dean Russell
Read the rest here.