Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Message From Jennifer To Her Fellow N.C. Ron Paul Supporters...

Below is a message from good friend and fellow libertarian activist, Jennifer Schulz. The LPNC is so very close to regaining ballot access.

Dear Fellow Ron Paul Supporters,

I am writing you with a special request. I am sending this note to
fellow liberty lovers, because you are people I respect and I hope I can
count on your help.

Some of you may know I have been active in the Libertarian Party in the
past. I am not writing to persuade you to change political party
affiliations. In fact, I am currently a registered Republican. :-)

I am writing, because as one voter to another, I hope you agree that all
North Carolina citizens deserve to have their voices heard through the
electoral process.

The state of North Carolina makes it extremely difficult for any
political party other than Republican or Democrat to participate in
elections. Our state has almost the toughest ballot access laws in the
entire country. For any party other than Democrat or Republican to get
on North Carolina's ballot, the party must collect nearly 70,000
signatures from registered voters.

This is why I am writing you. Right now, the Libertarian Party is about
3000 signatures shy of its goal. We have only a little more time to
complete the job. Even though you are a Republican, Democrat or an
Unaffiliated voter, I really hope you agree with me that every political
voice should have the right to participate in free and fair elections.

As a favor to me, I would ask that you go to the LP Web site and
download the party's petition, sign it, and return it to the address
printed on the bottom. You won't be put on a mailing list; you won't be
called for money. The only thing that happens to the signature page is
that it is verified that you are a registered NC voter and submitted to
the State Board of Elections to qualify the political party for ballot

The filing for the two major parties was completed recently and nearly
one third of the candidates for General Assembly will have no opposition
in the General Election in November. We need more options on our ballots.

I hope you will help me get my Party on the ballot so that I too can
have a voice in the electoral process this year.

Please download the petition from, sign it (and get
others to sign too, if that's possible), and please mail it to LPNC, PO
Box 28141, Raleigh, NC 27611.

If you have questions about the petitioning effort or the LP, you can
call the North Carolina Chair, Barbara Howe, at 919-690-1423. She'll be
glad to answer your questions.

Thanks for helping me out. It's important that we all have a voice in
this thing called politics. I simply want my voice heard.


Jennifer Schulz

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Healing Our World...Ron Paul's Opinion

Dr. Ruwart is the author of HEALING OUR WORLD: THE OTHER PIECE OF THE PUZZLE, hailed by Visions Magazine as "what may be the most important book of the decade." HEALING applies win-win strategies to
the political realm, "bridging the gap between conservatives and liberals, Christians and New Agers, special interests and the common good with practical solutions to our economic, environmental, and societal woes" (Ron Paul, U.S. Congressman (R-TX) and 1988 Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee).

You can download Mary's wonderful book, for free, at

..Or you could buy a copy. I cherish my autographed copies of "Healing Our World"!

Take the other "Good Doctor's" advice and read this inspiring message of love, liberty and the principles of non-aggression.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mary Ruwart For President!

I have received an e-mail from Mary Ruwart confirming her forthcoming announcement that she is seeking the Libertarian Party nomination for President.

I am thrilled that Mary, whom I and many others consider to be the conscience of the LP, is seeking our party nomination.

I wholeheartedly endorse Mary Ruwart and I pledge to assist her campaign to the best of my ability.

I encourage my fellow party peers to do the same.

Founded On Violence...

"I have shown in detail that every state is founded on violence and cannot maintain
itself save by and through violence. I refuse to make the classic distinction between
violence and force. The lawyers have invented the idea that when the state applies
constraint, even brutal constraint, it is exercising “Force”; that only individuals or
nongovernmental groups use violence. This is a totally unjustified distinction. The
state is established by violence. Invariably there is violence at the start. And the state is
legitimized when the other states recognize it (I know that this is not the usual criterion
of legitimacy, but it is the only real one!). Well then, when is a state recognized? When
it has lasted for a tolerable length of time. During the state’s early years the world is
scandalized that it was established by violence, but presently the fact is accepted, and
after a few years it is recognized as legitimate."

Jacques Ellul

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Random Memories Of My First Forum...

Here are some my observations...

N.C. House Representative Linda Johnson: Her keyword of the evening was "control". She must have used that word at least six times during the forum. She made it clear that job one was to wrestle control of the General Assembly. She towed the party line like a seasoned professional.

I respect Linda as a human being. She is a respected person in our community. She sincerely cares about her neighbors. My disagreement lies within the realm of politics.

N.C. House Representative Jeff Barnhart: First of all, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for the kind words he spoke. He acknowledged our political differences but he also acknowledged the mutual respect we held for each other. That means a lot to me. It is too easy to become angry when politicians hold positions contrary to your own. I have very serious complaints with Jeff's political philosophy. Never the less, I believe Jeff is fighting for what he sincerely believes in.

I only regret He believes it is necessary to use force to achieve his political goals.

My best response of the night came when Linda and Jeff defended their support of eminent domain and the Cabarrus "Quick Take" Bill, allowing local towns to move forward with projects before the appeal process is over.

Jeff argued that these takings were a foregone conclusion, why not give local "authorities" a head start on congestion (road widening example). Linda defended this position by "localizing" authority to seize land. In other words, our local elected leaders would steal the land instead of "un-elected" DOT bureaucrats.

I responded by saying I wasn't interested in localizing tyranny. If it is wrong for the State to steal land, then it is wrong for local governments to steal land.

After Linda spoke of the importance of political experience, aka "playing the game", (her words) I told those present that "I wasn't interested in playing poker." I reminded her that the money and property she was gambling with was not hers.

I told them that my role as State Senator was to protect their lives, liberty and property. I told them that role was all they could expect of me.

I told them of the Libertarian Party's struggles in the ballot access arena. With the spirit of Tom Bailey, I made mention of Article 6, Section 6 of the N.C. Constitution and the General Assembly's direct violation of constitutional law.

I told them how it felt to be treated like a second class citizen. I compared N.C. Election Statutes to Jim Crow where instead of people of color being discriminated against, it was now anyone who chose to not affiliate with either wing of the Demopublican Party.

Part two coming soon..

Fifty Percent Libertarian...

I ran into Concord Mayor Scott Padgett at the Sweet Pea Cafe this past Tuesday night. It had been a few years since I last ran into Mayor Padgett. Since I have grown my hair back out, I told him my name as we shook hands. When I mentioned my name, I also said, "You know, the Libertarian muckraker."

He then said..."I know who you are. I am half libertarian."

I replied.."Good, now let's work on the other half."

We both got a good chuckle out of that remark.

I like the Mayor, despite our political differences. I guess his less than libertarian half makes him favor corporate fascism (economic development incentives) and prohibit residents from parking in their yards.

Like I said, let's get to work on the "other" half.