Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Reflecting On Being A Guest Of Steve Kubby...
It certainly was a honor to be a guest on Steve Kubby's internet radio show this past Friday. I admit I was a bit nervous. It was the first time I have had the pleasure of speaking with Steve. I have been following Mr. Kubby for quite some time. It was examples of state sponsored terrorism, via the War On [Some] Drugs, that led me to the Libertarian Party almost 10 years ago.
Like most people, I hate the sound of my recorded voice. I think I sounded like a hick off Green Acres or Mayberry RFD. ;^P
Anyway, I had a great time. The hour went by pretty quickly.
I hope I have the privilege of being a guest sometime in the future.
If I do, I will try to do a better job of finishing my sentences and dropping the "absolutely".
Where in the heck did that come from? I rarely use that word.
It certainly was a honor to be a guest on Steve Kubby's internet radio show this past Friday. I admit I was a bit nervous. It was the first time I have had the pleasure of speaking with Steve. I have been following Mr. Kubby for quite some time. It was examples of state sponsored terrorism, via the War On [Some] Drugs, that led me to the Libertarian Party almost 10 years ago.
Like most people, I hate the sound of my recorded voice. I think I sounded like a hick off Green Acres or Mayberry RFD. ;^P
Anyway, I had a great time. The hour went by pretty quickly.
I hope I have the privilege of being a guest sometime in the future.
If I do, I will try to do a better job of finishing my sentences and dropping the "absolutely".
Where in the heck did that come from? I rarely use that word.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Paul Hits Potential "Bean Ball" Out Of The Park...
"Let me see if I get this right. We need to borrow $10 billion from China, and then we give it to Musharraf, who is a military dictator, who overthrew an elected government. And then we go to war, we lose all these lives promoting democracy in Iraq. I mean, what’s going on here?"
Ron Paul
Home Run! Grand Slam, even!
Great response to those neo con nancy boys at Faux News! Little Ole Ron Paul is making fools out of the mighty corporate fascists on Wall Street.
Stick it to 'em, old boy!
Ron Paul
Home Run! Grand Slam, even!
Great response to those neo con nancy boys at Faux News! Little Ole Ron Paul is making fools out of the mighty corporate fascists on Wall Street.
Stick it to 'em, old boy!
Listen To Libertarians...
"If America continues to move in the same direction of militarism, interventionism, war, and welfarism and if all this pushes our nation into a perfect storm of financial, monetary, and economic crises, combined with lots of caskets containing the remains of U.S. soldiers as well as victims of terrorist blowback, Americans will be left with a sad lament: “If only we had listened to the libertarians rather than the welfare-warfare statists who took us down this road.”"
Jacob Hornberger
Jacob Hornberger
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Systematic Racism...
"The War on Drugs is the worst program of systematic racism in our country, certainly in the domestic sphere. Whites are surely victims too -- and all individual victims deserve our sympathy. But racist prosecutors, racist cops and racist politicians love the drug war. Ron Paul's consistent record of opposing drug totalitarianism alone puts him in a unique category of statesmen. So has his authentic change of mind on the death penalty, which he says he realized he couldn't support upon realizing just how racist its implementation was."
Anthony Gregory
Talk about a "third rail" issue...The War On [Some] Drugs [And Liberty]...
It may not result in the ultimate electoral victory, but Ron Paul and the Revolution of Libertarianism is the political story of this election cycle.
Anthony Gregory
Talk about a "third rail" issue...The War On [Some] Drugs [And Liberty]...
It may not result in the ultimate electoral victory, but Ron Paul and the Revolution of Libertarianism is the political story of this election cycle.
2008 Looking Good For Libertarians...
The following press release made me stop to think about the rising tide of libertarianism that has been gaining strength these past months. What a strange, but beautiful trip!
As a Libertarian activist, I know how difficult it can be to reach out to the mainstream of America. The press loves to ignore us. The Demopublican Duopoly cheats to keep us out of debates and off ballots. We are playing in a rigged game for sure.
But, the tide is turning. We are winning and the enemies of freedom know this. We still have such a long way to go.
Having hope means everything.
Having hope makes fighting this fight a lot easier...
Strong start for 2008 election races
Libertarian Party out-files and out-raises all national third parties
Washington, D.C. - Following a successful off-year election, where approximately one in five Libertarians won the races in which they competed, the Libertarian Party looks to make a strong impact in the 2008 election. "We finished strong in 2007, and we look to do well in 2008," says Shane Cory, executive director of the Libertarian Party.
"We're coming off a 28 percent membership increase, and we're out-raising all other national third parties combined," says Cory. "You can expect big things from the Libertarian Party in 2008."
Current Federal Election Commission reports indicate that the Libertarian Party out-fundraised all national third parties combined in 2007. Additionally, the Libertarian Party expects to be on the 2008 ballot in at least 48 states--more than any other third party.
The Libertarian Party of Texas, in the first state in the nation to file candidates, submitted 210 candidates for the 2008 election. For the first time, Libertarian candidates filed for every statewide race. Libertarians filed for 30 of the 32 U.S. House seats, 12 of the 15 Texas Senate seats (a record 80 percent), 102 of the 150 Texas House seats (a record 68 percent), and five of the seven State Board of Education seats (a record 71 percent).
"In 2006, 218 candidates filed with the Libertarian Party of Texas," says Libertarian Party of Texas Executive Director Wes Benedict. "I think we had to work harder to get 210 candidates for the 2008 elections. Many Texas Libertarians are focused on Ron Paul's campaign for president."
"What's remarkable about the slate of candidates in Texas is that they all come during the time that Ron Paul, a libertarian Congressman from Texas, is running for President as a Republican," says Sean Haugh, the Libertarian Party political director. "All the libertarians who switched their voter registration to Republican in order to vote for Paul in the primary made themselves ineligible to run as a Libertarian in the 2008 election."
Recent surges in Libertarian Party membership and the success of Ron Paul's campaign indicate a rise of libertarian philosophy among American voters. The Libertarian Party expects this so-called "libertarian rising" to translate into higher vote totals, which will elect more candidates and determine the outcome of more races across the nation.
The Libertarian Party ran more than 650 candidates in 2006 elections, and garnered more than 13.4 million votes for candidates around the nation.
"We're hoping Texas sets the standard that the rest of our state affiliates will follow," says Cory. "The Libertarian Party has done very well at the local level by getting many of our candidates elected and creating more competition in election cycles. The major two parties can no longer ignore the impact of libertarians on politics."
The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.
As a Libertarian activist, I know how difficult it can be to reach out to the mainstream of America. The press loves to ignore us. The Demopublican Duopoly cheats to keep us out of debates and off ballots. We are playing in a rigged game for sure.
But, the tide is turning. We are winning and the enemies of freedom know this. We still have such a long way to go.
Having hope means everything.
Having hope makes fighting this fight a lot easier...
Libertarian Party out-files and out-raises all national third parties
Washington, D.C. - Following a successful off-year election, where approximately one in five Libertarians won the races in which they competed, the Libertarian Party looks to make a strong impact in the 2008 election. "We finished strong in 2007, and we look to do well in 2008," says Shane Cory, executive director of the Libertarian Party.
"We're coming off a 28 percent membership increase, and we're out-raising all other national third parties combined," says Cory. "You can expect big things from the Libertarian Party in 2008."
Current Federal Election Commission reports indicate that the Libertarian Party out-fundraised all national third parties combined in 2007. Additionally, the Libertarian Party expects to be on the 2008 ballot in at least 48 states--more than any other third party.
The Libertarian Party of Texas, in the first state in the nation to file candidates, submitted 210 candidates for the 2008 election. For the first time, Libertarian candidates filed for every statewide race. Libertarians filed for 30 of the 32 U.S. House seats, 12 of the 15 Texas Senate seats (a record 80 percent), 102 of the 150 Texas House seats (a record 68 percent), and five of the seven State Board of Education seats (a record 71 percent).
"In 2006, 218 candidates filed with the Libertarian Party of Texas," says Libertarian Party of Texas Executive Director Wes Benedict. "I think we had to work harder to get 210 candidates for the 2008 elections. Many Texas Libertarians are focused on Ron Paul's campaign for president."
"What's remarkable about the slate of candidates in Texas is that they all come during the time that Ron Paul, a libertarian Congressman from Texas, is running for President as a Republican," says Sean Haugh, the Libertarian Party political director. "All the libertarians who switched their voter registration to Republican in order to vote for Paul in the primary made themselves ineligible to run as a Libertarian in the 2008 election."
Recent surges in Libertarian Party membership and the success of Ron Paul's campaign indicate a rise of libertarian philosophy among American voters. The Libertarian Party expects this so-called "libertarian rising" to translate into higher vote totals, which will elect more candidates and determine the outcome of more races across the nation.
The Libertarian Party ran more than 650 candidates in 2006 elections, and garnered more than 13.4 million votes for candidates around the nation.
"We're hoping Texas sets the standard that the rest of our state affiliates will follow," says Cory. "The Libertarian Party has done very well at the local level by getting many of our candidates elected and creating more competition in election cycles. The major two parties can no longer ignore the impact of libertarians on politics."
The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008
LP Growing...
From the national LP...
Washington, D.C. - While Republicans and Democrats struggled with members abandoning the party in pursuit of political alternatives, the Libertarian Party saw an increase in membership of 25 percent for the year. "The numbers show what everybody has been saying--people are not happy with the two-party system and are ready for a change," says Libertarian Party Executive Director Shane Cory.
"The two-party system has failed the American public," says Cory, "and people are looking for a viable alternative in hopes of returning America to the right path. Our numbers are a clear indication of the failure of Republicans and Democrats."
From Dec. 2006 to Dec. of this year, the Libertarian Party saw an increase of 25 percent in membership. Major issues for new Libertarian members include disapproval of the war in Iraq and the use of torture in the so-called "War on Terror," excessive spending by the President and Congress, as well as rampant civil liberties violations.
"We're attracting members from both the Republican and Democratic Parties," says National Media Coordinator Andrew Davis. "People are tired of their old political parties, who care more for power than they do for freedom, and these people see the Libertarian Party as the most viable third party alternative. The 25 percent membership increase should serve as a example to the two major parties of what happens when you sacrifice your core values for political power."
The Libertarian Party has also attracted a sizable portion of new members who serve in active duty in the United States military. The LP's soldiers, sailors and airmen range in rank from junior enlisted personnel to Vice Admiral Michael Colley, USN, [Ret.], who now serves on the Libertarian National Committee.
"Military service men and women recognize the value in the Libertarian Party's non-interventionist foreign policy position," says Cory, a Marine Corps veteran. "Members of the Armed Forces, just like their civilian counterparts, feel betrayed by Republicans and Democrats, and are searching for an alternative."
There are approximately a quarter-million registered Libertarians in the United States, and the Libertarian Party boasts more than 105,000 members. To join the Libertarian Party, members simply have to sign a pledge that says the member does not believe in nor advocate "the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals."
The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.
I am encouraged to see the growth of the LP over the past year. I rejoined the national party last year myself. I chose to come back after the LNC helped N.C. with much needed ballot access support and I also wanted N.C. to have as many delegate slots as possible at the next convention.
Washington, D.C. - While Republicans and Democrats struggled with members abandoning the party in pursuit of political alternatives, the Libertarian Party saw an increase in membership of 25 percent for the year. "The numbers show what everybody has been saying--people are not happy with the two-party system and are ready for a change," says Libertarian Party Executive Director Shane Cory.
"The two-party system has failed the American public," says Cory, "and people are looking for a viable alternative in hopes of returning America to the right path. Our numbers are a clear indication of the failure of Republicans and Democrats."
From Dec. 2006 to Dec. of this year, the Libertarian Party saw an increase of 25 percent in membership. Major issues for new Libertarian members include disapproval of the war in Iraq and the use of torture in the so-called "War on Terror," excessive spending by the President and Congress, as well as rampant civil liberties violations.
"We're attracting members from both the Republican and Democratic Parties," says National Media Coordinator Andrew Davis. "People are tired of their old political parties, who care more for power than they do for freedom, and these people see the Libertarian Party as the most viable third party alternative. The 25 percent membership increase should serve as a example to the two major parties of what happens when you sacrifice your core values for political power."
The Libertarian Party has also attracted a sizable portion of new members who serve in active duty in the United States military. The LP's soldiers, sailors and airmen range in rank from junior enlisted personnel to Vice Admiral Michael Colley, USN, [Ret.], who now serves on the Libertarian National Committee.
"Military service men and women recognize the value in the Libertarian Party's non-interventionist foreign policy position," says Cory, a Marine Corps veteran. "Members of the Armed Forces, just like their civilian counterparts, feel betrayed by Republicans and Democrats, and are searching for an alternative."
There are approximately a quarter-million registered Libertarians in the United States, and the Libertarian Party boasts more than 105,000 members. To join the Libertarian Party, members simply have to sign a pledge that says the member does not believe in nor advocate "the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals."
The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.
I am encouraged to see the growth of the LP over the past year. I rejoined the national party last year myself. I chose to come back after the LNC helped N.C. with much needed ballot access support and I also wanted N.C. to have as many delegate slots as possible at the next convention.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Got Privacy?...

"Our rulers are determined to impose a scientific dictatorship on the masses and this begins with surveillance and tracking. “This is the prison without bars. This is the panopticon, a prison so constructed that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times, without being seen. This is a portrait of the accelerating movement by western governments to erect giant, powerful, all-pervading mass surveillance, tracking and control grids that will keep all populations firmly under the baleful and watchful gaze of Big Brother,” writes Watson. “Orwell’s 1984 was a picnic in comparison to the wielding cogs of the prison planet infrastructure that are being put in place all around us.”
Gotta keep a eye on the herd. Some one might get up the nerve to act like a free person! They can't let that freedom thing get too popular.
Who's watching the Watchers?
Mr. Magoo! You've Done It...Again...

After consulting with long time friend Huckleberry Hound, tycoon Quincey Magoo has decided to publicly endorse Dr. Ron Paul for President. Below is a portion of a press release issued by Mr. Magoo...
"I have been following Dr. Paul since the mid 70's. I wholeheartedly agree with his monetary policies. He is dead right, my old boy, on foreign policy. I'll never forget when my good nephew Waldo was drafted during 'Nam. Made my blood boil, I tell you!"
Mr. Magoo hasn't voted since 1988. "Yes, I voted for Paul when he ran as a Libertarian way back when. After Papa Bush was crowned, I dropped out of electoral politics".
Mr. Magoo has kept a low profile since his Hollywood days. "I became disgusted with our system of corporate fascism, indeed! So I sold off all my corporations and invested in gold and silver and a little off shore "banking", if you know what I mean."
When asked how he was going to help the Paul campaign, Magoo stated he had already started a Meet Up group and he is sending Waldo and Prezley to Iowa to canvas for Dr. Paul.
The Establishment Unveiled...
"Why is anyone surprised that the upcoming "debate" in New Hampshire - co-sponsored by the GOP and Fox News - would exclude Ron Paul? Such a decision only adds evidence for the proposition that the major political parties and mainstream media are a unitary system employed by the corporate-state establishment to maintain its authority over the nation. Their function is to generate support for an ever-increasing array of "problems" to be addressed by ever-expansive state powers; their role is not to question the arrangement. In furtherance of this singleness of purpose, political parties have embraced the virtue of "bipartisanship," while the media boast of their "responsible" forms of journalism."
Butler Shaffer
I guess Ron Paul supporters from the mainstream parties now know how third party candidates feel. I hope they remember the injustice the next time a third party candidate is excluded from a debate.
Butler Shaffer
I guess Ron Paul supporters from the mainstream parties now know how third party candidates feel. I hope they remember the injustice the next time a third party candidate is excluded from a debate.
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